Friday, 11 May 2012

Companion Planting - Building a Guild

Research continues in to beneficial plant relationships, guilds and companion planting possibilities.

Here are some more planting partners... this is an ongoing list, if you know of any other good guilds or companions please leave them in the comments below and I'll add here.

There are a couple of very useful companion planting guides online, one is Our Herb Garden, quite thorough information on both growing and companion planting, another fabulous resource is Golden Harvest Organics. Also the wiki on companion planting is a helpful guide and offers many beneficial combinations.

Some very useful books that I have found most helpful while compiling this list include:
Carrots Love Tomatoes: Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening
Companion Planting
The A-Z of Companion Planting

Ongoing List of Happy Plant Companions

Strawberries + Chives + Borage
Strawberries (ground cover, fruit + leaves for tea)
Chives (herb crop, mulch, aromatic insectary deterrent, edible flowers to attract pollinators)
Borage (edible greens, edible flower pods/flowers to attract pollinators)

Potatoes + Flax + Marigold + Carrots
Potatoes (edible vegetable, repels Mexican bean beetle, heavy soil cleaners)
Flax ()
Marigold (attract insects away from potatoes, asparagus, cabbage, tomatoes, curcubits all benefit as repels squash vine borer and cucumber beetle) NOT good with beans and cabbage.
Carrots ()

Goji Berries + 
Goji Berries (edible superfruit) (Lycium barbarum) Solanaceae (nightshade) family includes tomatom potato, eggplant, chili peppers, capsicum, tobacco, petunias. Diciduous shrub 3m tall long tendrils.

Onion + Carrots
Onion (edible vegetable, repels carrot fly)
Carrot ()

Parsley + Asparagus
Parsley (edible herb, 'tea' for repelling asparagus beetles, parsley gone to seed attracts beneficial parasitic wasps)
Asparagus (edible vegetable)

Horseradish + Potatoes, Cabbage, Mint, Parsley, Lavender
Horseradish (medicinal, edible root + young leaves, deters insects, rampant, good mulch, perennial, mustard family, needs potassium for healthy growth, ph 6.0 to 7.0, deep loam soil, repels potato bugs)

Cabbage + Rhubarb Leaves
Cabbage ()
Rhubarb Leaves (plant rhubarb leaves in hole before planting cabbage to deter cabbage maggot)

Beans + Corn
Beans (edible legume, nitrogen fixing)
Corn (edible vegetable, shade + 'pole' for bean to climb, heavy feeders)

Tomato + Basil + Comfrey
Tomato ()
Basil (edible herb, enhances flavour of tomato when planted close)
Comfrey (medicinal herb, mulch, liquid fertilizer, nitrogen fixing, high potassium, high phosphorous, shade tolerant, attracts bumblebees)

Potatoes + Pole/Bush Beans + Comfrey
Potatoes (edible vegetable, repels Mexican bean beetle, heavy soil cleaners)
Pole/Bush Beans (edible legume, repels Colorado potato beetle, nitrogen fixing)
Comfrey (medicinal herb, mulch, liquid fertilizer, nitrogen fixing, high potassium, high phosphorous, shade tolerant, attracts bumblebees)

Pepper plants + Comfrey
Pepper plants ()
Comfrey (medicinal herb, mulch, liquid fertilizer, nitrogen fixing, high potassium, high phosphorous, shade tolerant, attracts bumblebees)

Blueberries + Juniper + Bearberry + Wild Lupine + False Indigo*
Blueberries (edible fruit)
Bearberry kinnikinnick (edible berries, medicinal properties)
Juniper (pine needle acidic mulch)
Wild Lupine (nitrogen fixing)
False Indigo (alt) (nitrogen fixing)
* all do well in acidic soil

Apricot Tree + Comfrey
Apricot Tree (edible fruit, flowers attract pollinators, shade)
Comfrey (medicinal herb, mulch, liquid fertilizer, nitrogen fixing, high potassium, high phosphorous, shade tolerant, attracts bumblebees)

Cabbage + Hemp (ref: book Carrots Love Tomatoes )
Cabbage ()
Hemp (Protects cabbage from White Cabbage Butterfly)

Zucchini + Corn + Beans + Nasturtiums
Zucchini (edible, prolific, heavy feeder, edible flowers)
Corn (shade for zucchini, tall growing small footprint, same soil/water growing conditions as zucchini)
Beans (edible legume, tall growing provide shade and can interplant, nitrogen fixing so feed soil for zucchini)
Nasturtiums (edible flowers and leaves, trap crop to attract pests away from main crop)

Chives + Parsley + Kohlrabi
Chives (edible herb, repels pests)
Parsley (edible herb)
Kohlrabi (edible vegetable)